Junto a 16 voluntarios de Banistmo, se llevó a cabo el pasado 11 de Julio, la construcción de un parque infantil en la escuela primaria Santa Rita en Coclé. Esta escuela atiende a 60 estudiantes, incluyendo a los estudiantes de CEFACEI Santa Rita, que es apoyado por Banistmo a través del programa Nacer Aprendiendo.
El programa Conexión Parque busca rescatar el derecho al juego de los niños y niñas, desarro-llando así habilidades cognitiva importantes durante la infancia.
The Playground Movement arrives at Santa Rita de Cocle, along with Banistmo Volunteers
On July 11th, along with 16 volunteers from Banistmo, the Playground Movement made its way to the Santa Rita Elementary School in Coclé. This school has 60 students, including the children that attend the CEFACEI, its community preeschool, that Banistmo supports through the Born Learning program.
The Playground Movement wants to rescue children’s rights, since it benefits their motor and cognitive skills during early childhood.